Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Vintage Disney Tees

Retro Matterhorn Bobsleds and Flying Saucers t-shirts apparently on sale at D Street at the Downtown Disney District as well as inside Disneyland park.

Monday, April 19, 2010

T-Shirt to Scarf

s the season warms up and the woolies get returned to storage, it's a fine time to craft a scarf that will keep you warm while not warming you up. It's the T-shirt scarf, and it's made in a snap from old, neglected T-shirts.

Who doesn't have a cache of those scrunched in the back of a dresser drawer or high on a closet shelf?

Reclaim these outcasts by recycling them into T-shirt scarves. As children outgrow their darling Ts, you can make them scarves by repurposing their favorites, too.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Zoe Kravitz on T-Shirts

What's your favorite piece of clothing or accessory that you've stolen from your parent's closet?

T-shirts for sure. They'll be like, 'Is that my T-shirt?' But I wear big T-shirts so he [Lenny Kravitz] can steal mine and then we have a T-shirt competition happening. I'm obsessed with plain, white really good T-shirts. All vintage. Like your boyfriend's T-shirt that you steal and after you breakup you don't give it back.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


And yes, it will more than likely inspire a host of offensive T-shirts, depending on your point of view.

When asked about the offending word by the Times, Vaughn replied: "It will ruin any creativity in this country if we have to be answerable to them. It's a free country and you don't have to watch it."